Mission Publiques Global Fellowship Program 2023 For Young Professionals

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Our global network of partners makes Missions Publiques a leader in global citizen participation.

Missions Publiques’ Global Fellowship Program aims to bring Missions Publiques Fellows from around the world to join forces in changing governance for the better, by including everyday citizens into decision-making. This trusted community reflects Missions Publiques’ long-standing, highly reliable top-level partners at global level for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Missions Publiques’ fellows are local experts, activists, researchers, civil society actors or entrepreneurs. All share the same passion: to improve decision-making and governance models and to address the challenge of combining and impacting local, regional, national or global decision-making levels in a way that is relevant to the 21st century.

Fellows enter into a long-term cooperation around international projects with major social and political stakes for the future of our societies and humanity and will ensure impact on a global and local scale.

The first editions have brought 70 fellows together in online sessions, representing 70 different countries with a majority from the Global South.

If you are interested in joining the Fellowship Program, applications are now open. Contact us now!

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