Nigerian FinTech Touch and Pay (TAP) Launches New Booking Solution

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” pix_particles_check=”” css=”.vc_custom_1648218350020{padding-top: 80px !important;padding-bottom: 80px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}”] Touch and Pay Technologies (TAP) is a Nigerian fintech company that has introduced a digital payment solution for interstate travel from Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, to other parts of the country. Through its Cowry app, passengers can book and pay for their trips, even if they are travelling through multiple states in the country. TAP’s proprietary software manages and processes payments for parks and transportation in the state while providing secure identification for its commuters and aggregating its APIs into the Cowry Card mobile application. This initiative improves efficiency, safety, and security in the transportation system and offers a cashless option that prioritizes environmental sustainability and improves service delivery.

TAP has also partnered with the Lagos State Ministry of Transportation to accredit and vet all inter-city bus parks within the state. This provides a unified system for regulating transportation routes, schedules, capacities, and prices, which has been challenging for the state government and operators before now. The proposed transportation system aims to improve efficiency, safety, and security by introducing several key features, such as standard and licensed parks and a single dashboard for emergency and quick responses. TAP’s partnerships with insurance providers also offer the protection of personal belongings for travelers.

The company’s innovative solution addresses the demands of 21st-century Nigerian travelers. Passengers now have access to real-time transport availability and departure times, the ability to pre-book and reserve seats, the opportunity to make pricing comparisons, and increased protection against theft and bribery. TAP’s initiative contributes to a more effective and comfortable public transportation system that offers a win-win for both commuters and transport providers, as it reduces the need for cash transactions and streamlines transportation companies’ operations.


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