The Smart Energy Solutions for Africa (SESA) Project calls for entrepreneurs to help fund sustainable energy projects

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” pix_particles_check=”” css=”.vc_custom_1648218350020{padding-top: 80px !important;padding-bottom: 80px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}”] The Smart Energy Solutions for Africa (SESA) consortium initiative has released its inaugural “SESA Call for Entrepreneurs” and is seeking small and medium-sized firms, particularly those run by women, with a focus on sustainable energy solutions in Ghana, Malawi, Morocco, and South Africa.

The SESA project, funded by the European Commission, aims to test, validate, and then replicate innovative strategies and business models to hasten the transition to a greener economy across Africa.

Inaugurated in October 2021, SESA has a 48-month lifespan and operates in nine African countries, including Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tanzania.

As a consortium partner, Siemens Stiftung will provide chosen business owners with funding ranging from EUR50,000 (US$49,000) to EUR70,000 (US$69,000) per company over an 18-month period, as well as the opportunity to take part in the SESA Incubator Program.

The call “leverages social entrepreneurs’ talents, abilities, and ideas to not only address climate change but also pave the route for social and economic progress in rural areas,” according to Dr. Nina Smidt, managing director of Siemens Stiftung.

The importance of women in this transformation cannot be overstated. Supporting female-led enterprises enables vulnerable people who are more at danger from climate change to participate, accelerating the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Smidt continued.

The application date is November 20, 2022.

The SESA Incubator Program will begin operations in February 2023.

For information or to apply, visit the website.


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